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an industrial holding with a well-balanced, diversified portfolio of activities

About our Business

Swiss Tech Holding Inc. (STH SA) is an industrial holding with a well-balanced, diversified portfolio of activities. Its core business areas are the micro technology and the machine tool industry. The focus is on medium-sized companies that occupy leading positions in international niche markets. Specialization, technological leadership and proven expertise in application technologies are the vital attributes in such markets.


The development of Swiss Tech Holding Inc. (STH SA) activities focuses on the interests of customers, employees and shareholders and takes a long-term perspective. Thanks to the broad diversification of its businesses, both geographically and across various industrial sectors, Swiss Tech Holding Inc. (STH SA) has an optimized risk structure. Entrepreneurial leadership is the responsibility of the individual operating units, encouraging closeness to the markets and self-reliance.

What we stand for

Innovation and development

Acting responsibly

We invest in companies in order to produce useful products and services, create attractive jobs and generate sound profits.

Creating opportunities for development

We create a framework that enables our executives and employees to act self-reliantly and develop their full potential.

Encouraging innovation

We foster innovation on all levels to help our companies defend and develop their strong market positions.

Showing concern

We act with consideration for people and nature, and respect the legal and social framework. We build trust, inside and outside the company, through fairness and reliability.

Maintaining a sound financial basis

We maintain our strong financial fundamentals so that we can withstand difficult periods with equanimity. That is why we finance our business from our own resources.

Our approach

Solidarity and assistance

Guiding Principle

The Board of Directors provides a personal and organizational framework for the Company's leadership to exercise its responsibilities. The Board of Directors assesses the progress made towards achieving targets as well as the financial results. In strategic decisions, it seeks to strike a balance between opportunities and risks in the context of financial sustainability.​


The Board of Directors has delegated responsibility for management of the Group's business to the Group Executive Board, as set forth in the detailed Management and Organization Rules.
The Group Executive Board and the managements of the individual business units have far-reaching competences in regard to the strategic and operational organization of the units assigned to them. It is their task, through the careful development of human, material and organizational resources, to deliver a competitive performance in future-oriented industries and robust financial results.

The Board of Directors has the following responsibilities:


  • determination of the corporate organization

  • appointment of the corporate directors

  • supervision of Group management and evaluation of prospects and results

  • determination of the Group's strategic and financial goals

  • decisions on important investments, divestments, acquisitions and cooperations

  • determination of the principles of accounting, financial planning, internal auditing and reporting

  • assessment of the risk situation of the Holding, evaluating the opportunities and the sustainability in terms of human and financial resources

Our strategy

Our road to success

Taking majority stakes

We strive to take majority holdings to ensure clear business leadership with a long-term perspective.

Investing astutely

We invest in industrial sectors with growth potential, in which expertise, technical leadership, innovation and customer orientation are rewarded.

Broadening the base

We continue to develop our portfolio of equity holdings. We ensure a broad geographical spread and a sector-specific risk distribution. A methodically planned and well-managed real estate portfolio contributes to our stability.

Generating sustainable growth

Our companies strive to establish strong market positions and combine organic growth with selective, complementary acquisitions.

Delegating management

We delegate business management to the operational units to encourage market orientation and self-reliance. We keep our structures lean.

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